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Heat stroke is a medical emergency, if you are concerned your pet has heat stroke, please move you animal to a cool location and contact a veterinarian immediately.ĭemon king fist xxx bker escort review saskatoon asian government free

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We often see dogs who overheat while on a hike or at the beach. Here are suggestions to help your furry friend on a hot day.īrachycephalic breeds (flat faced dogs such as bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Pugs, etc)ĭogs with thick hair coats (Chows, Huskies, Bernese Mountain dogs, etc)ĭO NOT leave your dog alone in a car, even for a short period of time or even if it does not seem that hot outside.ĭO provide plenty of water at all times, but be especially vigilant to keep the water bowl filled during hot days.ĭO make sure your animal has a shaded area in the yard or a cool area indoor remember- indoor with air conditioner is always safest on a hot day!ĪVOID exercising your dog in the middle of the day, especially on a hot day. The good news is that heat stroke is preventable in most cases. Even when the weather doesn’t seem too warm for the average person, pets can be more sensitive to heat because of their fur and decreased ability perspire. Heat stroke occurs when an animal’s body temperature rises above normal, which causes damage to blood proteins and internal organs and death can occur. When the weather gets hot, our pets may have trouble adjusting to the rising temperature and need special treatment.

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